It’s a beautiful Sunday. This morning we decided to take a drive and visit a coffee shop we haven’t been to in months. This is one of those coffee shops that has all the best things. Great drinks, outdoor seating, a beach, ping pong tables and one of those leave-a-book, take-a-book libraries. Last time we were there I found an old copy of Captians Courageous (Rudyard Kipling) which was so much fun to read again. But this time I found a much loved, much worn, Judith McNaught romance novel.
The cover was torn, the pages were yellow and dog eared, and it looked like many, many people had read it and loved it. I took it to the counter and said, “I’m taking this book. I’ll bring it back next week.”
This is why, even though I have one hundred gazillion ebooks, I still love, love romance novel paperbacks. I read a statistic somewhere that said each paperback (on average) that is sold, is read by six different people. So, you’ve got the original reader, then friends and family, then someone in a used bookstore, then someone at a coffee shop 😉 then someone buying it at a garage sale, then…it goes on and on. It makes me wonder where this Judith McNaught romance novel has been, and who will read it after I take it back to the little coffee shop.
Paperback books, much loved romance novels, and serendipitous book encounters are a wonderful thing.
I hope you all have many “found” book moments in your future.