It’s no secret. I love libraries. In fact, one of my upcoming books features a librarian as the heroine. Libraries are awesome. I love that you can get romance books in libraries. The first romance novel I ever read I picked up on a whim off a public library bookshelf. It was Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught. That book was like a gateway drug. I got sucked into historical romance, then I crossed over to paranormal romance, then contemporary romance, then, well, I kept going. I had to read them all.
All thanks to browsing at a library.
Libraries are such an amazing way to discover new books, new authors and new worlds. We’re very lucky that libraries support romance authors, romance books and carry our work in both paperback, hardback and ebook format.
In case you didn’t know, you can grab The Fall in Love Checklist and Hero Ever After in public libraries (on OverDrive and other platforms). If it’s not available you can request it through your librarian. Because librarians are awesome.